The training program provides ‘on-field’ training on Metal 3D Printing and Metal powder analysis along with class-room based overview of the advanced Technology for Engineering students. It explains Selective Laser Melting process in detail and ‘why & how’ Industries can adopt Metal 3D Printing. Topics of discussion include overview of Metal 3D printing, Raw Material, Software packages, SLM process, Design for Additive Manufacturing, Applications and future development in additive manufacturing. Additionally, the program offers a session on ‘career opportunities in Additive Manufacturing’ exclusively for the students.

Program Syllabus

Program Proposals

One Day Training Program at Incredible AM Pvt Ltd
- Class-room based 4-hour session
- 1-hour Shop floor Training
- 1-hour interactive session
- Maximum Batch size of 10 participants
- Food and Beverage Included
- Certificate of Participation
One Day Training Program at your facility
- Class room based 4-hour session
- 1-hour interactive session
- You need to provide required facilities for the course delivery
- See Metal 3D Printed Parts
- Food and Beverage excluded
- Certificate of Participation excluded