LimbSal Ortho delivers customized ortho implants by 3D Incredible, focusing on innovation and patient care. Our offerings include 3D-printed orthopedic implants, anatomy models, jigs, and plates tailored to individual needs. Using advanced technology, our expert team ensures perfect-fit implants, enhancing mobility and quality of life. We prioritize robust, infection-free, biocompatible materials like titanium alloy. Our implants empower individuals to live life to the fullest.
Indications for requirement of implant:

- Bone Tumors - Benign Tumors and Malignant Tumors
i) Osteosarcoma
which occurs mostly in children and adolescents, is the second most common type of bone cancer. This usually develops around the hip, shoulder, or knee. This tumor grows rapidly and tends to spread to other parts of the body.
ii) Ewing sarcoma family of tumors (ESFTs)
Ewing sarcoma family of tumors (ESFTs) strikes adolescents and young adults, but these tumors can sometimes affect children as young as 5 years old. This type of bone cancer usually shows up in the legs (long bones), pelvis, backbone, ribs, upper arms, and the skull.
iii) Chondrosarcoma
Middle-aged people and older adults are more likely than other age groups to develop chondrosarcoma. This type of bone cancer usually develops in the hips, shoulders, and pelvis.
- Secondary or Tertiary joint prosthesis revision
Line of treatment
Extracorporeal radiation and reimplantation (ECRT) is a type of limb salvage surgery, performed in individuals suffering with bone sarcoma. ECRT is an established form of biological salvage method where the cancer affected bone is sterilised with high dose radiation, thereby effectively killing the cancer cells. Such radiated bone tissue segment is fixed back using customized plates.
Total Reconstruction:
Where large malignant tumor is extracted and results in loss of bone. Such gap is reconstructed using customized implants
Revision Case:
Secondary and Tertiary joint revision case, standard size implants are not available.
Pre – requisites
- 1 mm slice thickness cut CT scan of patient to recreate bony anatomy
- 1 mm slice thickness cut MRI scan of patient to recreate soft tissue anatomy
- Understanding of pathology
- Understanding of chemo cycle and window period to address lead time
- Understanding of resection plane
- Understanding anatomy model, jig and implant requirement
Patient Specific/Customized Plates
- Ideal for ECRT line of treatment; enhances surgery outcome.
- Specific to patient defect/anatomy results in perfect fit.
- Customization as per surgeons requirement.
- Variable thickness as per surgeon’s requirement.
- Finite Element Analysis for each design to ensure strength, stability & functionality.
- Customized screw specifications
- Screw location selection as per requirement.
- Variable screw diameter per screw is possible.
- Various combination of locking holes, cortical holes, compression & combi holes.
- Pre-defined trajectory for every hole gives long stability

Patient Specific/Customized Jigs
- Customization as per surgeons requirement
- It is available in material of choice as per indication and requirement like PLA, ABS, Nylon, Ti6Al4V-ELI
- Precise resection of bone tissues to the perfection.
- Easy to use & conserves bone tissue.
- Bio-compatible, Autoclavable & ETO sterilization compatible.
- Useful to place/fix implant perfectly.

Patient Specific Anatomy Models
- It is available in material of choice as per indication and requirement like PLA, ABS, Nylon, Sandstone, Silicon
- Excellent tool to study and pre-surgical planning.
- 1:1 r model and can perform drilling, cutting operations
- Excellent detailing of defect/lesion/tumor
- Bio-compatible, Autoclavable & ETO sterilization compatible

Contact Us
Plant Address
Gat No. 699/1, Koregaon Bhima,
Behind Kalyani Forge, Tal- Shirur,
Dist- Pune 412 216,
Maharashtra, India.
Landline: +912137667933
Landline: +912137667935
Pune Office Address
SR No 221, Plot No 21, MIT Residency, Ground floor,Below Kashish Arts, Lane No 3B, Kalyani Nagar ,Pune – 411006Maharashtra, India.
+91 7030940790 (Engineering)+91 7030952720 (Medical)