Current Trends In the Treatment of Bone Tumours

What is a bone tumour? 

 Bone tumours are formed when the cells divide abnormally and uncontrollably forming a mass or lump of tissue. As the tumour grows it outnumbers the healthy tissues. Tumours are of two types: benign and malignant. 

 Malignant tumours are cancerous and these tumours can cause the cancer to spread throughout the body.

How are malignant bone tumours treated?

 Malignant bone tumours are treated by consultation with a team of doctors. These tumours are the cause of concern, however with a proper line of treatment and refinement in technology the outlook for this condition has changed.

 The treatment depends on the type of bone cancer and its condition in the body. If the cancer cells are confined to the tumour and its immediate area, this is called the localized stage. In the metastatic stage, cancerous cells have already spread to other parts of the body and its treatment is a little difficult.

Major strategies for the treatment of bone tumour is

Surgery, Radiation and Chemotherapy


 Surgery is the first line of treatment preferred by doctors for curing bone cancer. The entire maligned bone is removed and the surgeon carefully examines the margins of the defected bone to make sure no cancerous cells are remaining post-surgery.

 Limb Salvage Surgery (LSS) is performed to treat the bone cancer in arms or legs. With the advancement of technology now surgeons are using 3D printed customised jigs and plates to perform LSS. The cancerous bones are replaced with durable and functional implants produced by 3D printing in the material of choice which are bio compatible. The cancerous cells are removed, your tendons, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves are spared. Your surgeon will replace the cancerous bone with a metal implant.

Advances in chemotherapy along with the improvement in implants have greatly improved recovery and survival. New drugs are being introduced on an ongoing basis. Doctors are much more likely able to spare your limbs. However, reconstructive surgery is required to retain as much limb function as possible.

Radiation therapy

Radiation is often used in conjunction with surgery. High-dose X-rays are used to shrink tumours before surgery and kill cancer cells. Radiation can also reduce pain and decrease the chance of bone fractures. This technique is used in combination with Limb salvage surgery to preserve the major portion of the defected limb.


If the cancer cells have spread or are likely to spread, chemotherapy is recommended. This therapy uses anticancer drugs to kill the rapidly growing cancer cells. Although, it has various side effects including:

  1. nausea
  2. irritability
  3. hair loss
  4. extreme fatigue


Cryosurgery is another treatment possibility. This treatment involves killing cancer cells by freezing them with liquid nitrogen. A hollow tube is inserted into the tumour, and liquid nitrogen or argon gas is pumped. In some cases, cryosurgery can be used to treat bone tumours instead of regular surgery.

 Recovery from bone tumour treatment

 After the treatment, the doctors keep the patient under observation until they recover. Follow-up X-rays and blood tests will be necessary to make sure the whole tumour is treated. The speed of recovery depends on the type of bone tumour and its size. Current technology of 3D printed implants and jigs have opened up a new horizon in malignant bone tumour treatment. With the high recovery rate, the implants are lightweight and functional with better results for patients.


The world is constantly evolving with the onset of new technology, 3D printing technology is one such advancement in the medical sector. It is providing improved results and helping surgeons to take more informed and precise decisions. This has impacted the trend of bone tumour treatment and benefited both surgeons and patients. 3D incredible is a pioneer in additive manufacturing technology providing various medical implant products that are manufactured in India such as LimbSal Ortho. Get in touch with us for adapting to this advanced treatment practice.

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